The best choice is always the hardest decision.

So, to begin… I’ve had every intention of using this a lot more often than I have.  Maybe I’ll be able to change that now? We’ll see.

To the point of this post.  I’ve decided to move back home to Virginia in May.  This has been one of the most difficult decisions of my life I think.  There’s nothing wrong with moving back to Virginia, it’s just that I don’t feel ready to leave the experiences I’ve had here in Florida.  Moving back will give me the chance to work and save up money and get to do a lot more traveling than I would get to if I stayed down here.  So in the end, I’ll get to have more experiences and adventures by moving back.

In the end, the pros outweighed the cons.

I think the decision was made worse by being offered a part-time transfer with Disney.  Had I been staying I would be working Merchandise on Main Street at the Magic Kingdom.  I would have been at the Confectionary, which sounds PERFECT.  And then yesterday I had an interview with Universal to work at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter that went extremely well.  So while things were working out perfectly in regards to being employed if I stayed in Florida, other expenses just made it so it would not be possible if I wanted to feel financially secure at all.  I know I have friends and coworkers who keep telling me that it is totally possible to make it work, and they are proof that it does work out… But in the end I think I’d just rather not struggle through it just to say I got to stay and work down here longer.  I’m not in love with Florida itself. I love the people I’ve meet here, and I love the experiences I had and am grateful for it all, but in the end… staying in Florida just wasn’t the right decision.

I’m going to miss my friends so much. Between all of my roommates that I love to death who will be spread out across the country, to the close friends like Keila and Zach who I will also miss like hell…. It’s going to suck, but I can visit.  In fact I think I’m going to finally make it down for Geeky Con later this summer, so there’s that…

I’m so thankful for the experiences the Disney College Program has given me… I just can’t believe I’m officially leaving in a month.